Poker Run registration will be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, August 20th at the Bent Elbow.
Poker Run begins no earlier than 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 21st. The course should take approximately 2.5 hours to safely complete. THIS IS NOT A RACE. It does not matter who finishes first.
Riders must follow all town and county road and trail laws. No alcohol may be consumed while participating in this Poker Run.
All OHVs must be stickered. OHV stickers can be purchased at the following establishments in Silverton: 1) Silverton Grocery; and Red Mountain Motel and RV Park.
There are 5 check points to collect your cards (see course map distributed at Registration).
You must have your score sheet (distributed to you at Registration) to be dealt a card.
All Cards will be dealt at designated stops on the Poker Run Route. (PLAYERS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO BE DEALT ALL CARDS AT ONE STOP.)
At each check point a volunteer will deal you a card and record that card on your score sheet. They will initial their recording. If the dealer deals you a card that has already been recorded on your score sheet at a previous check point, they will insert the card back into the deck and deal a second card to you. Dealer will then record the card, reinsert the card into the deck and shuffle the deck prior to dealing to the next player.
You can purchase up to two additional cards at the end point (Bent Elbow) for $10.00 each, prior to turning in your score sheet to increase your odds of winning.
Best hand wins
In the event there is a tie, there will be a playoff at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 22nd at the Bent Elbow, with a new five card poker draw. High hand wins.
Players MUST BE PRESENT to receive any winnings! All decisions of the judges are FINAL!
Poker Hand Rankings (highest to lowest)
Royal Flush – This is the highest poker hand. It consists of an ace, king, queen, jack, ten all in the same suit. As all suits are equal, all royal flushes are equal.
Straight Flush – Five cards of the same suit in sequence – such as J-10-9-8-7. Between the two straight flushes, the one containing the higher top card is higher.
Four of a kind – Four cards of the same rank – such as four queens. The fifth card can be anything. Between two fours of a kind, the one with the higher set of four cards wins.
Full House – This consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. When comparing full houses, the rank of three cards determines which is higher.
Flush - Five cards of the same suit. When comparing two flushes, the highest card determines which is higher.
Straight – Five cards of mixed suits in sequence. When comparing two sequences, the one with the higher-ranking top card is better.
Three of a Kind – Three cards of the same rank plus two other cards. When comparing two threes of a kind the hand in which the three equal cards are of a higher rank is better.
Two Pairs – A pair is two cards of equal rank. In a hand with two pairs, the two pairs are of different ranks, and there is an odd card to make the hand up to five cards. When comparing hands with two pairs, the hand with the highest pair wins.
Pair – A hand with two cards of equal rank and three other cards which do not match these or each other. When comparing two such hands, the hand with the higher pair wins.
High Card – Five cards which do not form any of the combinations listed above. When comparing two such hands, the one with the better highest card wins. If the highest cards are equal the second cards are compared; if they are equal the third cards are compared etc.